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How to create Scheduled Payments
How to create Scheduled Payments
Updated over 9 months ago

The easiest way to ensure payment from clients is to set up transactions in advance. Scheduled Payments allow you to maximize cash flow by setting up future payments to recur automatically. AffiniPay offers a variety of schedule options which are described below.


Destination Account and Schedule Information

First, select the destination account. If you only have one processing account, it is selected by default. Next, add any additional information such as the client's email address and a schedule description.

Schedule Details - Recurrence Options

One Time

Enter an amount and a date to set up a one-time future payment.



When you select weekly, you must type the number of weeks you would like between recurrences. The "First Charge On" determines which day of the week the charges will recur on. For example if you want the schedule to recur biweekly, type "2" into the week(s) box.


Twice a Month

Select when the first charge will occur by selecting a date from the "First Charge On" date selector. Next, select the second charge date. For example, if you want the schedule to recur on the 15th and the last day of the month, select the 15th from the first date picker, and "Last Day of the Month" from the second.



This is the default, which allows you to set a schedule to recur every month. Select the date on which the charge will occur.



Select a date for the first charge and it will recur annually.


Schedule Details - End On

  • When canceled - Schedule will run indefinitely until manually canceled.

  • Number of occurrences - Schedule will end after total amount of attempts specified.

  • On specific date - Schedule will end on the date specified.

  • When amount reaches -Schedule will end after total amount has been attempted to be collected.


Watch our short video below on Scheduled Payments:

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