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Quick Bill overview
Updated over 8 months ago

Quick Bill is a fast and easy way to email an invoice to a client for a specific dollar amount.

Sending a Quick Bill

First, click the green Send Quick Bill button in the top right of the dashboard.

On the screen that appears, enter the Client Email, Payment Amount and Deposit Account. The additional fields are optional and can be left blank if desired.

If you would like to attach a document to the Quick Bill, click the Choose File button. Next, locate and select the document you would like to attach from your computer. Once attached, you will see the filename below the Choose File button and the option to remove the attached document. Multiple attachments can be added to the Quick Bill up to 10 MB total.

Once finished, click Send.

Viewing and Editing Quick Bills

You can edit and resend Quick Bills by clicking on the Quick Bills tab on the left side of the Dashboard.

Once on the Quick Bills overview page, select the specific Quick Bill you would like to edit.

Once you have selected the specific Quick Bill, you can now resend the Quick Bill, edit the information on the Quick Bill, or mark it as paid. Owners and Admins also have the ability to delete the Quick Bill.

You can also watch our video on Quick Bill below:

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