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Updated over 10 months ago

The Disclaimers in ClientPay are important statements to your clients that should appear on every public facing page clients will use to enter payments. While a disclaimer is no guarantee that the transaction will not be challenged, it can protect you in the event of a dispute.

You must be an admin in order to access the User, Settings, and Notifications areas.

Where do you put it?

You can either create one statement for consistency and reuse it in several places or you can customize the message per module. ClientPay gives you the ability to add disclaimers in Settings for Send for Payment payments and Payment Page payments.

What should it say?

The statement should definitely confirm the company name that will appear on their statement and inform clients that clicking the submit button means they authorize payment.

Here is an example:

"I authorize [your company name] to charge my credit/debit card indicated on the web form, for the noted amount on today's date."

It is a good idea to research local and federal laws to know what you can and cannot say. You may also want to consult your own legal department or private counsel to ensure it meets your company's needs.

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